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Created in 2013, Skate Guard is a blog that focuses on overlooked and underappreciated areas of the history of figure skating, whether that means a topic completely unknown to most readers or a new look at a well-known skater, time period, or event. There's plenty to explore, so pour yourself a cup of coffee and get lost in the fascinating and fabulous history of everyone's favourite winter sport!

Veterans' Week

A float representing Flanders Field from the 1918 Victory Loan Parade in Toronto. Photo courtesy City of Toronto Archives.

As Canada Remembers this Veterans' Week, Skate Guard salutes members of the figure skating community who served in the first and second World Wars. 

Some served in the Army, Navy and Air Force; others performed important war work such as nursing, volunteering with Red Cross blood drives and organizing fundraisers for war charities at their local skating clubs. Most served with the Canadian military, but there are several Canadian-born skaters who served with the U.S. or British forces, notably Montgomery 'Bud Wilson' and Sheldon Galbraith. 

Left: Captain Norman Mackie Scott, Canadian and U.S. Champion. Photo courtesy Skate Canada Archive. Right: Flying Officer Harold Andrew Westhaver, a talented fours skater and Tenstep champion from Regina, Saskatchewan who was killed in action at the age of twenty-one in 1943. Photo courtesy The Canadian Virtual War Memorial.

These lists include Canadian and North American Champions, judges, coaches, club presidents, pleasure skaters and close relatives of some of our country's brightest skating stars. They were compiled from back issues of skating magazines, newspaper archives, available military records from the Government of Canada and other sources. If you have any corrections or know of members of the skating community who were inadvertently overlooked, please reach out so that they can be corrected/included in 2025.

Left: Major Douglas Henry Nelles, Canadian Champion. Photo courtesy Library and Archives Canada. Right: U.S. and Canadian Champion and nurse Jeanne Chevalier. Photo courtesy Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.

THE GREAT WAR (1914-1918)




Club/Rink (Skating)

Background (Skating)

Allan Crawford Ross

Captain (later Major), CEF, 38th Battalion Draft

Served in England and France with the 38th Battalion Draft, 18th Reserve Battalion, attached to the 4th Canadian Entrenching Battalion, No. 3 Canadian Garrison Regiment and British Canadian Recruiting Mission. Discharged due to severe asthma.

Minto Skating Club

Served on the Board of Directors of the Minto Skating Club. Father of Denis Ross.

Andrew Gordon McLennan

Major, CEF - 2nd Infantry Battalion - the Governor General's Foot Guards, Office Of The Provost Marshal at the Militia Headquarters in Ottawa

Wounded during the Battle of Ypres, recipient of Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal, Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers Decoration - V.D., British War Medal, Victory Medal.

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – pairs (1923), Canadian Champion – pairs (1913, 1922), silver medallist in pairs (1914, 1923) and fours (1920) at Canadian Championships

Arthur Fortescue Duguid

Colonel, CEF, 2nd Brigade Canadian Field Artillery

Wrote the first comprehensive history of Canada's role in The Great War, served as Director of the Historical Section at the National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa. Named an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1946.

Minto Skating Club

National judge

Arthur James Ernest Kirkpatrick

Major (later Colonel), CEF - 2nd in Command of 3rd Battalion

Captured as a Prisoner Of War during fighting at St. Julien 1915. Imprisoned as a Prisoner Of War for 21 months in Bischofswerda, Saxony. Suffered from neurasthenia and was sent to Switzerland, then England and Canada. Later served as Toronto's Police Commissioner.

Toronto Skating Club

National judge. Honorary President of the Toronto Skating Club (1930's). Husband of skating judge Ethel Kirkpatrick.

Beatrice Davidson

Canadian Army Medical Corps Nursing Sisters


Rideau Skating Club

Competitor at the Canadian Championships – 1905, 1906

Bert Penfold

CEF - 162nd and 122nd Battalions

Served on the front lines in France with the 162nd and 122nd Battalions

Wascana Winter Club

President of the Canadian Figure Skating Association (1965-1967), Vice-President of the Canadian Figure Skating Association (1961-1965), judge

Cameron Macpherson Edwards

Lieutenant Colonel, CEF - Commander of 38th Battalion, Acting G.O.C. of 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade

Awarded the Distinguished Service Order, French Médaille d'honneur, the British War and Victory Medals and the Canadian War Medal. Wounded at Vimy Ridge.

Montreal Winter Club, Minto Skating Club

Vice-President of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada (1921-1922), President of the Minto Skating Club

Cecil Rhodes Morphy

Lieutenant, CEF - 55th


Served in Theatre of War in France, hospitalized in France for colitis, hospitalized in London for bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – fours (1923), Canadian Champion – fours (1922, 1923, 1924, 1925)

Clifford Sifton Jr.

Major, CEF - 14th Battery, 4th Brigade, Headquarters Staff Reserve Brigade, 13th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery

Served in England and in Theatre Of War in France, wounded in action in 1916 and 1918, suffered from parathypoid.

Toronto Skating Club

Medallist in fours at Canadian Championships (1923,1924), President of Toronto Skating Club (1930's)

Clyde Rutherford Scott

Major, CEF (later Lieutenant Colonel), 2nd Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regimental Depot, 42nd Regiment, Military Hospitals Commission Command., District Depot No. 3, Headquarters Staff, Military District No. 3, Headquarters Staff, Militia Headquarters, Ottawa

Served in France and Belgium, wounded in Battle of Langemarche in 1915, missing and reported dead, Prisoner of War at Grefeld Prison Camp, later military secretary to the National Defense Department, during World War II he accompanied the Canadian Air and Defense Ministers to Great Britain when they conferred with British military officials.

Minto Skating Club

Father of Olympic Gold Medallist and World Champion Barbara Ann Scott

Daniel Isaac Vernon Eaton

Lieutenant Colonel, CEF, Commander of the B Battery in France, Commander of the 8th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery

Served in Ypres and was mentioned in Despatches for Gallant and Distinguished Service in the Field by the Field Marshall, Commander-in-Chief, British Armies in France. Wounded by enemy fire during The Battle of Vimy and died of his injuries three days later on April 11, 1917.

Rideau Skating Club

National judge (1910)

Douglas Bryce Blair

Department of National Defense

During the 1920's, served as Major and Paymaster in the Regimental Headquarters of the Princess Louise Dragoon Guards (1920's).

Minto Skating Club

President of Minto Skating Club, Chairman of Minto Follies and Junior Committee. Tragically collapsed at the Minto Skating Club and died during World War II.

Douglas Henry Nelles

Major, CEF - 242nd Battalion Canadian Forestry Corps

Served in England and France.

Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – men's (1910, 1911), Canadian Champion – pairs (1912, 1920)

Edward Theodore Barclay Gillmore

Colonel, CEF - 4th Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column

Previously served as a Colonel in the Boer War, commanded troops in the Battles of the Somme and The Battle of Vimy.

Minto Skating Club

Got his start in skating in The English Style, an enthusiastic convert to The Continental (International) Style who lobbied for its acceptance in Canada

Errol Victor Hall

Lieutenant, 17th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards), Aide-de-camp to Major-General James Harold Elmsley

Joined 55th Irish Canadian Rangers shortly after War broke out. Seriously wounded in France in November of 1916, spent several months in army hospitals in London and was later transferred to the C.E.F. Headquarters in Siberia.

Earl Grey Skating Club

Canadian Champion – fours (1910)

Francis Herbert 'Hobo' Crispo

Private, CEF - 76th Battery, 10th Royal Canadian Field Artillery


Toronto Skating Club

President of the Canadian Figure Skating Association (1955-1957), President of the Toronto Skating Club (1944-1946)

Frank Leon Mills

Lieutenant, CEF, Served with the Canadian Engineers, 2nd Canadian Engineers Reserve Battalion and 3rd Canadian Engineers Reserve Battalion

Trained at Canadian Officers Training Corps at University of Toronto. Served in Canada and England. Suffered from influenza in Brighton and was discharged.

Toronto Skating Club

Long-time chairman of the Lighting Committee of the Toronto Skating Club's carnivals

Frankford Ernest Rogers

Private, CEF, 2nd Depot Battalion, E.O.R.


Minto Skating Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – fours (1922), Brother of Canadian Champion Melville Rogers

Fred Anderson

Captain, CEF


Toronto Skating Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – pairs (1905), men (1906), fours (1908)

Frederick Arthur De Long Gascoigne

Lieutenant Colonel, CEF, Commanding Officer of the 3rd Regiment Victoria Rifles of Canada, 1st Quebec Regimental Depot

Awarded the Distinguished Service Order in 1916, Mentioned in the King's Despatches in 1917

Montreal Winter Club

Secretary/Treasurer of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada and Figure Skating Department from 1937-1942

Horace Richardson Goodday

Major, CEF, 57th Battalion (Canadien-Français)

Served in England and France with the 57th Battalion, attached to the 69th Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Depot, 10th Brigade Machine Gun Company, M.C. District 55 Canadian Forestry Corps.

Quebec Winter Club

Secretary, Quebec Winter Club

Horton Munro Reynolds

Captain, CEF (later Major), Instructor at Camp Hughes and Camp Sarcee, "C" Battery, R.C.H.A. and C.R.C.A. Halifax

Previously served for six years with Royal Canadian Artillery.

Halifax Skating Assembly

One of Nova Scotia's first skating judges, instrumental in organizing competitions and tests in Halifax, held the Figure Skating Department of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada's bronze medal

Iris Langley Mudge

Canadian Army Nursing Service

Worked as a nurse in a hospital in England for four years, returned to Canada in 1922.

Earl Grey Skating Club

Canadian Champion – women's (1910)

Jack Jardine

Sergeant, CEF, 1st Depot Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment

Drafted to U.S. military but ended up serving with CEF. His discharge papers from July 1919 noted, "Pain over eye is probably traumatic due to blow while boxing. Very probably neurotic."

Toronto Skating Club

Musical director of the Toronto Skating Club's carnivals. Created custom music for Toronto's elite skaters in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's.

James Gordon Weir

Lieutenant Colonel, CEF, in Command of the 5th and 7th Canadian Machine Gun Companies.

Fought in the Battle of the Somme and in the trenches at Vimy and Passchendaele Ridges. Awarded the Military Cross and Distinguished Service Order.

Granite Club

Vice-President of Amateur Skating Association of Canada (1938-39), National and international judge and referee (1930's)

Jeanne Chevalier

Order of Saint John of Jerusalem

Served as a nurse at a military hospital near Montreal with the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem.

Winter Club of Montreal, Earl Grey Skating Club

U.S. Champion – pairs (1914), Canadian Champion – women's (1920, 1921), Canadian Champion – pairs (1914)

Jean Philippe Kempf

Captain, CEF - Canadian Army Medical Corps

Served in Canada, England and France with the 6th Field Ambulance, Canadian Army Dental Corps, 22nd Battalion, 2nd Quebec Regimental Depot, 10th Reserve Battalion

Montreal Figure Skating Club


John Joseph Cawthra

Captain, CEF - Canadian Army Medical Corps

Served in England and France with the Canadian Army Medical Corps, at the Headquarters of the Canadian Training Depot, Shorncliffe and the Canadian Army Medical Corps Depot, London.

Toronto Skating Club

Runner-up at the 1908 Canadian Championships. Competitor at the National judge (Pre-WWI-1930's), donated the cup for the senior men's event at the Toronto Skating Club Championships.

John Rudolphus Booth Jr.

Lieutenant (later Lieutenant Colonel), CEF – Royal Naval Air Service

Served as a commissioned officer with the Royal Naval Air Service until February 1917, when ill health forced him to take a post in Canada with the 2nd Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment.

Minto Skating Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – fours (1921)

John (Juan) Zalvidar Machado

Sergeant, United States Army Ambulance Service, American Ambulance Service with French army

Volunteered with CEF but was turned down in 1916, went to France as a volunteer (without pay) with American Ambulance Service in 1917. Second in command of La Division Granit. Saw active service from North Sea to Lorraine, accompanied unit to Germany and was stationed in Cologne. Recipent of the Croix de Guerre, Field Service Medal.

Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – men's and pairs (1924), Canadian Champion – fours (1929, 1932), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – men's and pairs (1920, 1922, 1923, 1925, 1927)

Melville Falkner Rogers

Corporal, CEF

Sixteen months with the Canadian Officers Training Corps at University of Toronto.

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – men's (1925, 1927), North American Champion – fours (1931, 1933, 1935, 1937), Canadian Champion – men's (1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928), Canadian Champion – pairs (1925), Canadian Champion – tenstep (1940), Canadian Champion – fours (1933-1937)

Mossam Burwell Bonnell

Lieutenant, CEF, The Canadian Engineers, 3rd Field Company

Served in England and France with The Canadian Engineers. Discharged from duty in early 1918 for medical reasons, was suspected to be suffering from typhus.

Minto Skating Club

National and international judge (1920's)

Norman Arthur Falkner

Corporal, CEF, 96th Battalion, 21st Battalion

After six months of serving in France, he was wounded on the front lines in Vimy and complications necessitated the amputation of his right leg at mid-thigh. Military records from the 21st Battalion state that the wound was caused by shrapnel and the amputation was required after infection set in.

Saskatoon (outdoor ponds)

Speed skating champion and hockey playe mr in Saskatchewan n in his youth. Toured across Canada and the United States as a professional 'fancy' skater after losing his leg.

Norman Mackie Scott

Captain, Royal Canadian Engineers, Royal Canadian Air Service and Royal Air Force

Flew a caudron biplane in France. Was injured near the end of the War.

Winter Club of Montreal, Earl Grey Skating Club

U.S. Champion – men's and pairs (1914), Canadian Champion – men's (1914, 1920), Canadian Champion – pairs (1914)

Ormonde Butler Haycock

Battery Quarter Master Sergeant, CEF, 23rd Field Battery

Served in England, Theatre of War in France in anti-aircraft batteries.

Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – men's (1905, 1906, 1908, 1911), Canadian Champion – pairs (1905, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1911), Founding member of Minto Skating Club

Phillip George Taylor

Private, CEF, 53rd Battalion

Served for eighteen months in trenches of Flanders. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, evacuated to a military hospital in England. After recovering, worked at the Army Post Office in London for a time.

Manchester Ice Palace (England)

Father of World Champion Megan Taylor. Instructor and professional skater in shows in England, Switzerland and Australia. Stilt skating pioneer.

Philip Harvey Chrysler

Lieutenant, CEF, 3rd Canadian Division

Sadly spent almost as much time in European hospitals as he did in service due to trench fever and chronic ear problems and was discharged in 1917. A medical board inquiry on his service record noted, "Since coming to England [his] condition has become worse owing to unfavourable climatic conditions. He has lost considerable weight and is very much run down."

Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – men's (1913), Canadian Champion – fours (1922, 1923), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – men's and pairs (1911, 1914), Winner of the Connaught Cup – fours (1913), National and international judge.

Robert Botsford Veits

Lieutenant, 207th Overseas Ottawa Carleton Battalion, 43rd Regiment


Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – fours (1913)

Shuldham Hope Hill

Major (later Colonel), CEF, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry

Had twelve years of military experience when he enlisted. Originally sent overseas as a reinforcement, joined his unit in the field in the spring of 1915. Was wounded in May of that year and struck off strength.

Minto Skating Club, London Skating Club

President of the Minto and London Skating Clubs

Sidney James Mitchell (Charlton)

Private, CEF, Canadian Army Medical Corps

Born in England, he served for six months in Africa with the First Imperial Light Horse regiment in the second Boer War before coming to Canada.

Prince's Skating Club (England)

Professional ice and roller skater before and after The Great War. Pioneer in stilt skating.

Wilfred Victor Sifton

Major, The Headquarters Staff, 2nd Brigade, Canadian Mounted Rifles (CEF)

Served in England and France with the 2nd Brigade, Canadian Training Depot, 8th Reserve Battalion, 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles Battalion. Recipient of the Distinguished Service Order.

Toronto Skating Club

Vice-President, Canadian Figure Skating Association (1939), Founder of the Regina Skating Club

William George Reburn

Captain, CEF, 134th Overseas Battalion, 48th Highlanders of Canada

Also served as Paymaster for the Canadian Army Pay Corps.

Toronto Skating Club

Father of Canadian Champion Stewart Reburn

Lt. Elizabeth Fisher and Lt. Josephine Barrington aboard the HMCS Nanaimo (K101 in Sechelt, British Columbia in 1944. Photo courtesy Joan Balch.

WORLD WAR II (1939-1945)




Home Skating Club/Rink


Aimée Frances Haycock

Red Cross/War work

Served on executive board of Ottawa branch of Red Cross. Was affiliated with the Toronto Skating Club's Group of the Navy League. Knitted for sailors.

Minto Skating Club, Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – women's (1906, 1908), Canadian Champion – pairs (1908)

Albert 'Bert' West

Corporal, Royal Canadian Air Force


Flin Flon Figure Skating Club


Alexander Fulton Jr.

Royal Canadian Air Force

Was a sergeant when he won the 1945 Canadian pairs and tenstep titles

Porcupine Skating Club

Canadian Champion – pairs and tenstep (1945), Canadian Champion – junior pairs (1943, 1944), Elite coach

Andrew Gordon McLennan

Veterans Guard, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps

During WWI, served as Major, CEF - 2nd Infantry Battalion - the Governor General's Foot Guards, Office Of The Provost Marshal at the Militia Headquarters in Ottawa

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – pairs (1923), Canadian Champion – pairs (1913, 1922), silver medallist in pairs (1914, 1923) and fours (1920) at Canadian Championships

Anthony 'Tony' Larratt Smith

Captain, Royal Canadian Artillery

Served in England and France, killed in action on July 27, 1944 at the age of thirty-six. Member of winning Toronto Polo Club, competitive steeplechaser, hockey, football and squash player.


Husband of professional figure skater Ann Taylor

A.W. 'Archie' Bell

3rd Canadian Infantry Division, 94th Battalion, Anti-Tank Regiment, Canadian Active Service Force

Talented curler and hockey player, softball coach. Named Thunder Bay's Sportsman Of The Year in 1956.

Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club


Arthur William Mulock Kirkpatrick

Canadian Officer Training Corps, Osgoode Hall

Son of Arthur and Ethel Kirkpatrick.

Toronto Skating Club


Barbara Ann Scott

War work

Supported the war effort by giving exhibitions for war charities, participating in Red Cross Corps fundraisers, visiting injured veterans in hospital and boosting morale. Daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Clyde Rutherford Scott.

Minto Skating Club

Olympic Gold Medallist (1948), World Champion (1947, 1948), European Champion (1947, 1948), North American Champion (1945, 1947), Canadian Champion – senior women's (1944, 1945, 1946, 1948)

Barry Green

Royal Canadian Army

Received a medical discharge.

Winnipeg Winter Club, Wascana Winter Club

Winnipeg Winter Club Champion – senior men (1939), Coach at the Glencoe Club, Professional skater with the Ice Follies.

Bob Davis

Captain, Royal Canadian Army


Montreal Figure Skating Club


Bonnar Hadson

Royal Canadian Army


Montreal Figure Skating Club


C.W. Bunting

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps


Toronto Skating Club


Cameron Macpherson Edwards

Colonel, Overseas Representative of the Director of Auxiliary Services, Canadian Active Service Force

Served during WW1 as Lieutenant Colonel, CEF - Commander of 38th Battalion, Acting G.O.C. of 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade

Montreal Winter Club, Minto Skating Club

Vice-President of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada (1921-1922), President of the Minto Skating Club

Charles Colborne Gardner

Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force

Killed at the age of twenty-three in a flying accident in England on November 3, 1941 and buried in England. Death certificate noted "previously reported missing, now for official purposes presumed to have died during flying operations."

Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club


Charles Hopewell English Askwith

Lieutenant Major, Royal Canadian Army

Awarded the Croix de Guerre avec Etoile d'Argent in 1945 "in recognition of the gallant and distinguished services in the cause of the Allies".

Montreal Figure Skating Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – waltz (1937), junior pairs (1936, 1937)

Charles Humphrey Bonnycastle

Captain, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve



Husband of Veronica Clarke.

Dr. Chesley Maxwell Oake

Surgeon Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve


Toronto Skating Club


Clyde Rutherford Scott

Lieutenant Colonel, Military Secretary to the National Defense Department

During World War II served in France and Belgium, wounded in Battle of Langemarche in 1915, missing and reported dead, Prisoner Of War at Grefeld Prison Camp. During World War II he accompanied the Canadian Air and Defense Ministers to Great Britain when they conferred with British military officials.

Minto Skating Club

Father of Olympic Gold Medallist and World Champion Barbara Ann Scott

Constance Wilson Samuel

War work

Organized skating fundraisers at the Toronto Skating Club to aid war charities, as well as a benefit Tea at the to aid the Ladies Guild of the Queen's Own Rifles.

Toronto Skating Club

Olympian, Medallist at the World Championships – women's (1932), North American Champion – women's (1929, 1931, 1933, 1935), pairs (1929, 1931, 1933), Canadian Champion – women's ((1924, 1927, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935), pairs (1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934), British Champion - women's (1928)

David Selwyn Holmested

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Army, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Died in a military hospital at the age of twenty-one on November 9, 1942, nine days after he was wounded in the Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt. Served with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps in Syria, Iraq and Palestine. Posthumously awarded the Military Cross. His citation said, "Holmested got out of his vehicle and walked about directing operations. An enemy tank attack and fire from all arms and from both sides became even more intense. This officer continued his work of recovery, with no apparent regard to danger. His action was largely instrumental in recovering [a] Sherman tank [immobilized by a mine in a German infantry attack], which was again in action against the enemy 12 hours later."

Toronto Skating Club


Denis Allan Ross

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force


Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – junior men's (1940), Minto Skating Club Champion – junior men's (1939)

Donald Hugh John Chapman

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force

Killed at the age of twenty-four during a flying accident on February 13, 1943. He was an instructor at the air station in Calgary (No. 3 S.F.T.S.) at the time. Two training planes collided in mid-air and three other men were killed as well.

Glenora Skating Club

Member of the Glenora Skating Club's fours team and son of one of the Club's Presidents

Donald Joel Higgins

Sergeant Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force

Received commendations for Valuable Services In The Air: "This officer has shown commendable enthusiasm and diligence in the performance of his duties as a Staff Pilot. As well as being a very skilful pilot, he has been skilful in directing others, and ever ready to accept full responsibility in whatever his duties require. He at all times commands the respect of his fellow pilots and strengthens the hand of those whom he serves."

Wascana Winter Club


Donald Arthur Hudson

Queen's Own Rifles, 2nd Battalion, Home Defense

Survived the War and remained involved the Cricket Club but died in a plane crash near Montreal in 1963

Toronto Skating Club


Donald Hunter Gilchrist

Captain, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps

Originally qualified as a marksman. After the War, served with Canada's Department of Defence Production stationed in Washington.

Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – pairs (1949, 1950), Medallist at the North American Championships – pairs (1949), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – men's (1940, 1941, 1942), pairs (1940), international judge and referee, ISU official

Dorothy Benson

Petty Officer, Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS)

Created a photographic documentary at the Basic Training Establishment in Galt, Ontario,

Montreal Winter Club

Canadian Champion - junior women's (1928), Medallist at the Canadian Championships - women's (1929, 1930), fours (1927), junior pairs (1942, 1943)

Douglas Cameron Sutherland

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force

Died in a flying accident in Jonquière, Quebec on November 4, 1942 at the age of twenty-three. Trained at No. 2 Service Flying School at Uplands. Served as a flying instructor at Camp Borden for seventeen months, had been teaching flying at Bagotville for less than a week when his fatal accident occurred. The weekend before his death, he was reunited with his brother whose ship was torpedoed in the North Atlantic.

Toronto Skating Club


Douglas Gordon Cameron Chown

Flight Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Air Force

Died in a flying accident off the coast of Newfoundland on December 9, 1942 at the age of twenty-three. After receiving his pilot officer's rating in January 1940, he taught flying in Alberta and Ontario.

Winnipeg Winter Club

Brother of Canadian Champion (junior pairs) Patricia Chown

Douglas Cameron Coughtry

Captain (later Colonel), Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, Canadian Active Service Force

Served overseas from 1942-1945 and suffered a gunshot wound through the leg in France in August of 1944.

Winter Club of Montreal

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – junior pairs (1942), Vice-President of the CFSA (1973-1976), national judge, team leader to international competitions

Douglas Lawrence Kimpel

Engineering Branch, Royal Canadian Navy


Oshawa Skating Club, Galt Figure Skating Club, Toronto Skating Club

President, Canadian Figure Skating Association (1963-1965), Vice-President, Canadian Figure Skating Association (1959-1963), Oshawa Skating Club Champion – foxtrot and tango

Dr. Frank Leon Mills

Royal Canadian Air Force, Instructor of Advanced Navigation in Rivers, Manitoba

Served in WW1 with the Canadian Engineers, 2nd Canadian Engineers Reserve Battalion and 3rd Canadian Engineers Reserve Battalion

Toronto Skating Club

Long-time chairman of the Lighting Committee of the Toronto Skating Club's carnivals

Duncan McIntyre Hodgson

Lieutenant Commander, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

Served at the Naval Service Headquarters in Ottawa.

Winter Club of Montreal

Canadian Champion – men's (1920, 1922), pairs (1923)

Dwight Parkinson

Captain, United States Armed Forces

Served as a Battalion Surgeon with the 104th Division in France, Belgium and Holland. Received two Bronze Stars for innovations in surgery on the battlefield.

Montreal Winter Club, Dartmouth College - Individual Member (USFSA)

American born, Dwight competed at the U.S. Championships and later, the Canadian Championships (while attending McGill University). Medallist at the Canadian Championships - junior men (1941), junior ice dance (1955). Medallist at the U.S. Championships - novice men (1936, 1937).

E.J. Underwood

Colonel, Royal Canadian Army


Minto Skating Club

President, Minto Skating Club (1940's)

Edgar Thorne Peter Stanger

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Navy

Navigational specialist

Montreal Winter Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships - junior pairs (1940), Founder of the Valleyfield Skating Club

Edward Patrick Nelles Innes

Major, Royal Canadian Army, 1st Field Squadron, Royal Canadian Engineers


Hamilton Skating Club


Elmes Patrick Trevelyan Green

Captain, Royal Canadian Army, Observation officer with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, R.C.I.C.

Killed in active service at the age of thirty on May 1, 1944, while serving with the 8th Army in Italy. Enlisted with the Queen's Own Rifles, serving as a skiing and winter campaign tactics instructor in Iceland with Canadian Active Service Force.

Toronto Skating Club


Elizabeth Fisher

Lieutenant, Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS), Naval Distributing Section, Naval Intelligence Division and Naval Service Headquarters in Ottawa

Archived copies of "The Tiddley Times" from the Archives of the CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum reveal that when she was off duty, she was an enthusiastic member of the WRENS shooting club that hoped "to become so skilled in the art of shooting that [she could] join the opposite sex in hunting expeditions".

Toronto Skating Club

Olympian, Canadian Champion – fours (1930, 1931),

junior women's (1929), Medallist at the North American Championships (1931)

Elizabeth Henry

War work

Worked with the Red Cross

Toronto Skating Club

Toronto Skating Club Champion – novice women's (1934)

Eric Richardson

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force


Montreal Figure Skating Club


Ethel Kirkpatrick

War work

President of the Toronto Skating Club's Group of the Navy League. Knitted for sailors.

Toronto Skating Club

One of Canada's first Gold Dance judges, contributor to “Skating” magazine, wife of the Toronto Skating Club's Honorary President, organizer of social activities at the Club

Ernest Walter Stedman

Air Vice-Marshal, Royal Canadian Air Force

Inductee to Canada's Aviation Hall Of Fame. His biography in the Hall Of Fame noted, "He is credited with the foresight to recommend the purchase of helicopters for search and rescue, radar aids for pilots and the entry of Canada into the field of jet propulsion. He was at the centre of every major technical development in which the RCAF was involved."

Minto Skating Club

Skating judge (1930's)

Frank Thibaudeau

Royal Canadian Army


Montreal Figure Skating Club

Instructor at the Montreal Figure Skating Club

Frank William Hillock

Flight Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force, 406 and 410 Squadrons

Toronto Skating Club organized a farewell dinner before he went overseas. The Battle of Britain London Monument's Airmen Stories noted: "In a sortie to the Ruhr on 15th April 1943 he found himself in the midst of several radio masts. In climbing out he flew through antennae at Apledoorn radio station. The Mosquito lost a foot off the starboard wingtip and on return, was found to be trailing some 300 feet of thick copper cable. This was sold to a scrap dealer and the money used to finance a squadron party."

Toronto Skating Club


Frederick Hill Beemer

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force, 149 (R.A.F.) Squadron

Went overseas in February of 1941, reported missing during heavy night raids over Nazi Germany on August 16, 1941, later listed as killed in action. Had been in more than fifty flights over enemy territory. Just days before she received a cable listing her son as missing, Fred's mother received a letter mentioned that he had spoken with the Duke of Kent, who visited his Squadron.

Toronto Skating Club


George Edward 'Ted' Beament

Brigadier-General, Royal Canadian Army, Canadian Active Service Force

Appointed Officer Commanding 2nd Field Battery. After his battery was deployed overseas in England, he was promoted and served at the Headquarters of the 1st Canadian Army. Involved in the planning of Operation Overlord. Arrived at Juno Beach a few weeks before D-Day and served in the Battle of Normandy. Awarded the French Croix de Guerre, the Order of the White Lion, the Military Cross and made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE).

Toronto Skating Club, Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – fours (1930)

George Reid

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force


Granite Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – junior pairs (1939)

George Ridout Lyon Fellowes

Trooper, 2nd Canadian Motor Cycle Regiment, The Governor General's Horse's Guards, Canadian Active Service Force

Great grandson and namesake of former Ottawa Mayor George Byron Lyon-Fellowes.

Toronto Skating Club


Gordon Campbell Chown

Captain, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps

Later served as Conservative M.P. and Deputy Speaker of the House Of Commons (1960's).

Winnipeg Winter Club

Brother of Canadian Champion (junior pairs) Patricia Chown

Gordon Conrad Wickson

Flight Sergeant, Royal Canadian Air Force, 83 (R.A.F.) Squadron

Killed in action at the age of twenty-two when his plane was shot down over enemy territory on June 22, 1943.

Vancouver Skating Club

Cousin of Canadian Champion Roger Wickson. Son of Gordon A. Wickson, secretary-treasurer of the Vancouver Skating Club.

H.A. Calvin

Lieutenant, Royal Naval Reserve, Instructor at the Lake Shore Barracks of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve


Toronto Skating Club

Served on the Board of Directors of the Toronto Skating Club

Harold Andrew Westhaver

Flying Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force, Squadron No. 421, No. 401, No. 403

Killed in action at the age of twenty-one on February 15, 1943. For unknown reasons, Harold was forced to bail out from a mission and his spitfire crashed near Le Tréport, France.

Wascana Winter Club

Wascana Winter Club Champion – tenstep (1939), Member of the Wascana Winter Club's fours team (1938)

Harrison Corey Thomson

Sergeant, United States Armed Forces

Born in the United States but moved to Canada as a boy. Was stationed in Alaska during the War.

Montreal Winter Club

Canadian Champion – junior pairs (1936), toured with Sonja Henie's Hollywood Ice Revue

Harry Aitken

Major, Royal Canadian Army, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)


Hamilton Skating Club


Harry Levine

Royal Canadian Navy

Served on the HMCS Gatineau on D'Day

Brampton Figure Skating Club

Adult competitive ice dancer

Harry E. Murray

Major, Royal Canadian Army, 18th Battery, 2nd Anti-Tank Regiment, 5th Division


Wascana Winter Club


Helen Elizabeth Rutchinski

Canadian Women's Auxiliary Air Force (Women's Division, Royal Canadian Air Force)

Worked as a wireless operator in Newfoundland.

Capreol Figure Skating Club

Synchronized skating judge, recipient of the Elizabeth Swan Memorial Award in 1991

Herries Stirling Maxwell

Lieutenant Commander, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

Commanded the HMCS Timmins and HMCS Poundmaker. Served on the HMCS Stadacona in Halifax.

Citation in navy press release in 1945: "This officer has served for a considerable period as Executive Officer and in command of escort vessels in the battle of the Atlantic. By his cheerfulness, zeal and devotion to duty he has at all times set an outstanding example to those serving under him."

Montreal Figure Skating Club


Hobart Hilbert 'Bert' Styffe

Major, Canadian Forestry Corps

Earned MBE for his leadership with the Forestry Corps, President on Board of Officers for change of command for No. 28 Coy CFCl

Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club


Hugh Constant 'Huey' Godefroy

Wing Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force

One of Canada's most decorated flying aces during World War II. In 1944, “Skating” magazine noted, “Although only 23 years of age, [he] is beginning his third Operational Tour and is overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force. In May 1943, when he was Flight Lieutenant, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the citation reads: 'This Officer throughout his operational career has shown an exceptionally fine fighting spirit and as a Flight Commander his efficient leadership has given confidence to all.' On June 18 he became a Squadron Leader, and was awarded a Bar to his D.F.C. on Sept. 2; on the 25th of the same month he was made a Wing Commander.” Later awarded the French Croix de Guerre.

Toronto Skating Club


Hugh Lockhart Gordon

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force

Killed at the age of twenty-four in a flying accident near Vancouver, British Columbia on August 14, 1940.

Montreal Figure Skating Club

Hugh's mother Kate skated in the Toronto Skating Club's carnivals in the 1920's.

Hugh Sinclair MacKenzie

Corporal, Canadian Officer Training Corps, Osgoode Hall


London Skating Club

Served on the Board of Directors of the London Skating Club

Isabel Hall

War work

Worked with the Red Cross

Toronto Skating Club


J.F. Houston

Major, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps


Hamilton Skating Club


J. Ragnar Johnson

War work

Worked with the Red Cross

Toronto Skating Club

John Alexander 'Jack' Grant

Stoker Petty Officer, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

On September 10, 1942, he was working as a stoker on the H.M.C.S. Charlottetown. The ship was torpedoed by a German U-boat in the St. Lawrence River. He died in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as a result of wounds endured in that attack, on October 22, 1942 at the age of thirty.

Thunder Bay Figure Skating Club


Jack Winckler

Instructor, Canadian Army Training Centre


Copper Cliff Skating Club

Jack was exceptionally tall – six foot four. He used his height to his advantage skating a comedy act in club carnivals.

James 'Sandy' Alexander McKechnie

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

One of the ships he served on, the HMCS Algoma, was involved in two major attacks on German U-boats.

Toronto Skating Club

North American Champion – fours (1941), Canadian Champion – fours and junior men's (1939), later served as the President of the Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club, on the CFSA's executive and as a national and international judge

James Gordon Weir

Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Canadian Army, Commanding Officer at Long Branch Training Centre

Awarded the Military Cross for his distinguished service during World War I.

Granite Club

Vice-President of Amateur Skating Association of Canada (1938-39), National and international judge and referee (1930's)

James 'Jim' Hall Colson

Royal Canadian Army, Queen's Own Rifles, 2nd Battalion Home Defense.


Toronto Skating Club

Brother of Canadian Champion Osborne Colson

Jean Philippe Kempf

Captain, Royal Canadian Army (Intelligence)

Served as a Captain with the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I.

Montreal Figure Skating Club


John Lawrence Dampier

Major, Royal Canadian Army, Operations Officer, 3rd Canadian Infantry Division Headquarters

Brigade Major of the 7th Infantry Brigade. Involved in the planning for D-Day. Made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 1945.

Toronto Skating Club


John McNab Milsom

Flight Lieutenant, Royal Air Force

Served in England, Scotland, North Africa and with the Coastal Command in Gibraltar. Took part in Mosquito missions over Norway and the North Sea. Mentioned in the King's despatches, 1946.

Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – fours (1940), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – junior men's (1939, 1940), Central Ontario Champion – senior skaters waltz (1964)

John 'Jack' Kempton Vigeon

Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

After attending King's College, the Royal Canadian Navy's officers' training centre in Nova Scotia, he served on the HMCS Carleton and HMCS Mahone. The latter ship was a minesweeper that took part in the Battle Of The Atlantic. His best friend was killed the day before the War ended.

Granite Club, Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – junior men's (1938), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – senior men's (1941), junior men's (1937)

John 'Jack' McCrae Kilgour

Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Canadian Army, Medical Corps

Served overseas in England and Belgium.

Winnipeg Winter Club

Canadian Champion – junior pairs (1937), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – fours (1935), national judge

John Vipond

Royal Canadian Army, 21st Canadian Armoured Regiment


Royal Glenora Club

Founding member of the Royal Glenora Club. Founding member of the Alberta and Northwest Territories section of the CFSA.

Katherine 'Kay' Clarke

Canadian Women's Auxiliary Air Force (Women's Division, Royal Canadian Air Force)

Served in British Columbia by drawing maps for pilots who were flying in the Pacific. Her obituary noted, "She was very disappointed that at the time the RCAF did not allow women to fly planes, for that is what she wanted to do." After the War, she achieved her goal of becoming a pilot.

Minto Skating Club


Kenneth MacLean

Lieutenant, 1st Corps Signalers, Canadian Active Service Force


Toronto Skating Club


Kenneth 'Kenny' John Willock

Flight Sergeant, Royal Canadian Air Force

Mentioned in The King's Despatch for "gallant and distinguished services" in Northwest Europe in February of 1945

Montreal Figure Skating Club

Montreal Figure Skating Club Champion, instructor

Lawrence Edward Wray

Air Vice-Marshal, Royal Canadian Air Force

Served as a Commanding Officer and Air Commodore at various posts in Canada and overseas. In March of 1944, he was shot down over Frankfurt and taken prisoner by the Nazis. Repatriated in 1945 and was later awarded the Queen's Coronation Medal.


Husband of Audrey Garland.

Leroy Griffith Page

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force


Hamilton Skating Club


Lewis Angus 'Lew' Elkin

Private First Class, United States Armed Forces

Though he grew up in Manitoba and competed for Canada, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen during the War. Stationed at army base in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Winnipeg Winter Club, Pasadena Winter Garden and Pan-Pacific Auditorium (California)

Canadian Champion – junior men's (1930), Medallist at the Canadian Championships - senior men's and pairs (1930, 1931), Elite coach

Lloyd 'Skippy' Valdemar Baxter

United States Armed Forces

Though born in Saskatchewan, he grew up in the United States. Served in Northern Italy with the 10th Mountain Ski Troops.

Oakland Figure Skating Club (California)

Medallist at the U.S. Championships – men's (1940), pairs (1940), Professional skater with the Ice Capades.

Maitland Roy

Major, Royal Canadian Army, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)


Hamilton Skating Club


Margaret Davis

War work

Waitress at the Minto Skating Red Cross Tea Room

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – fours (1933, 1935, 1937), Canadian Champion – fours (1933-1937)

Mark Frederick Sprott

Artillery Branch, the University of Toronto branch of Canadian Officers Training Corps

Toronto Skating Club

Brother of Canadian Champion Hubert Sprott

Marion P. Downs

Lieutenant, Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRENS)


Toronto Skating Club


Maurice Pickering

Royal Canadian Army


Viscount Figure Skating Club

President of the Viscount Figure Skating Club (Saskatchewan)

Mavis Berry

War work

Waitress at the Minto Skating Red Cross Tea Room

Minto Skating Club

Competitor at the Canadian Championships (1937), coach

Meryl Hjalmer Baxter

Sergeant, United States Armed Forces

Though born in Saskatchewan, he grew up in the United States. Served in Northern Italy with the 10th Mountain Ski Troops.

Oakland Figure Skating Club (California)

Medallist at the U.S. Championships – novice men's (1940), California State Champion – junior men's (1940), Professional skater with the Ice Capades.

Muriel Galt Gemmel

War work

Worked with the Red Cross

Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – women's (1914), Winner of the Connaught Cup – fours (1913)

Murray Cameron Galbraith

United States Navy Air Corps

Born in Manitoba but raised in California. Registered for the draft in February of 1942.

St. Moritz Ice Skating Club (California)

Brother of Sheldon Galbraith. Medallist at the U.S. Championships – junior men's (1940), novice men's (1939), Professional skater with the Ice Follies

Neil Primrose

Wing Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force


Royal Glenora Club

Founder of Royal Glenora Club. Winner of the Western Canadian Ice Dancing Championship at the Banff Winter Carnival (1929, 1930).

Norman Mandelshon Samuel

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps

Worked at R.C.O.C's Headquarters in Ottawa

Toronto Skating Club

Husband of Canadian Champion Constance Wilson. The son of a Conservative candidate for the British House Of Commons, he was the only Jewish person to gain admittance to the Toronto Skating Club at that time.

Paul Lafontaine Belcourt

Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Canadian Army


Minto Skating Club

Canadian Champion – fours (1928). National judge. Great nephew of Aimée and Ormonde Haycock.

Paul Winchester

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Army, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)


Hamilton Skating Club


Peter Douglas Killam

United States Armed Forces

Was drafted for the U.S. Army while down in the States skating professionally in ice shows at the Hotel New Yorker and Centre Theatre.

Toronto Skating Club

Canadian Champion - junior pairs (1941), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – junior pairs (1939, 1940)

Peter Godwin Chance

Commander, Royal Canadian Navy

Served as navigator, answering only to the vessels he served on's Captains. Awarded a special medal from the Government of France for playing a key role in Operation Overlord and the allied liberation of France from German occupation.

Minto Skating Club, Halifax Skating Assembly

Canadian Champion – junior men's (1937), junior pairs (1939), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – senior pairs (1939)

Philip William Lee

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve


Winnipeg Winter Club

Canadian Champion – junior men's (1934), junior pairs (1938), Medallist at the Canadian Championships – senior men's (1936, 1937), senior pairs (1938)

Pierre Benoit

Royal Canadian Army


Quebec Winter Club

Competitor at the Canadian Championships (1930's). Professional skater with Ice Capades, Ice Vanities of 1940.

Prudence Holbrook Craig

Canadian Red Cross Corps

Worked as a waitress in the Red Cross Team Room at the Minto Skating Club, and later as a nurse in Italy in a field hospital where an injured Stewart Reburn was treated.

Minto Skating Club

North American Champion – fours (1933, 1935, 1937), Canadian Champion – fours (1933-1937)

Ralph McCreath

Major, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, 48th Highlanders Of Canada

Served in England and in the Tank Corps in France and North Africa.

Toronto Skating Club

North American Champion - men's (1941), pairs (1937, 1941), fours (1939), Canadian Champion - men's (1940, 1941, 1946), pairs (1936-1941), fours (1938, 1939), fourteenstep (1938), tenstep (1937), junior men's (1936), junior pairs (1935), international judge and referee

Raymond Frank Parkinson

Royal Canadian Navy

Served on the HMCS Bittersweet and HMCS Amherst corvette sub chasers.


National judge

Richard 'Dick' Salter

Royal Canadian Army


Wascana Winter Club

Medallist at the Canadian Championships – junior men (1938, 1939), first skater from Saskatchewan to compete nationally

Richard Hugh Roberts Sr.

Sergeant Pilot, Royal Canadian Air Force


Toronto Skating Club


Richard 'Dick' Mead Langley Mudge

Leading Aircraftman, Royal Canadian Air Force


Toronto Skating Club

Richard was related to Iris Mudge, the 1910 Canadian Champion who served with the Canadian Army Nursing Service during World War I.

Robert Joyce Day

Flight Sergeant, Royal Canadian Air Force


London Skating Club


Roy Chisholm

Second Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Corps of Signalers


Toronto Skating Club


Saurin Brook

Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Navy

Montreal Figure Skating Club

Sheldon Galbraith

Flight Instructor, United States Naval Air Corps


St. Moritz Ice Skating Club (California), Minto Skating Club

Medallist at the U.S. Championships – junior men's (1940), novice men's (1939). Professional skater with the Ice Follies, coach.

Shirley Snaith

War work

Waitress at the Minto Skating Red Cross Tea Room

Minto Skating Club


Spence Allen

Pilot Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force


Hamilton Skating Club


Stewart Dudley Dagge Reburn

Flight Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Air Force, 48th Highlanders, 1st Canadian Division

Wounded in action in Sicily in 1944. After recovering in England, he returned to active duty, he was wounded again in the Battle of Ortona.

Toronto Skating Club

Olympian, Canadian Champion – pairs (1935), Medallist at the North American Championships – pairs (1935). Professional skater with Sonja Henie's Hollywood Ice Revue.

Edward Martin 'Ted' Detchon

Lieutenant, Royal Canadian Navy


Montreal Figure Skating Club


Thomas Arnold

War work

Machine tools controller for the Royal Canadian Army. Recipient of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for war work.

Montreal Figure Skating Club

President of Montreal Figure Skating Club

Travers Fraser Sweatman

Captain, Royal Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps


Winnipeg Winter Club

Olympian, Canadian Champion - junior pairs (1935), waltz (1938), tenstep (1939)

Virginia Keillor

War work

Waitress at the Minto Skating Red Cross Tea Room

Minto Skating Club


W.A. Lewis

Major, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps


Toronto Skating Club


W. Gordon Denney

Colonel, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, Director of Ordnance Service

Made a Member and Officer of the British Empire (MBE and OBE) for his service.

Wascana Winter Club


Wallace 'Wally' Distelmeyer

Royal Canadian Navy


Toronto Skating Club

Olympic and World Medallist, North American Champion – pairs (1947), Canadian Champion – men's (1948), pairs (1946, 1947, 1948), ice dance (1948), waltz (1948), tenstep (1948)

Walter 'Jack' John Frederick Hose

Commander, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve

Jack, an emigrant from England, was the son of a Rainbow Commander and Rear Admiral who formed the RCNVR in 1923, and for a time served as the Chief of Staff of the Royal Canadian Navy.

Minto Skating Club, Halifax Skating Assembly

Canadian Champion – fours (1929, 1931), Medallist at the North American Championships – fours (1937), while stationed in Halifax, formed a partnership with Mary (Thorne) White. They ice danced across the frozen Northwest Arm, doing the Waltz one way and the Tenstep back, followed by someone with a wind-up gramophone.

Wilfred Victor Sifton

Colonel, Executive Assistant to the Minister of Defence

Served as Major, The Headquarters Staff, 2nd Brigade, Counted Mounted Rifles (CEF) in The Great War.

Toronto Skating Club, Regina Skating Club

Vice-President, Canadian Figure Skating Association (1939), Founder of the Regina Skating Club

Joe Spiedel

Operating Room Assistant

B'n Algonquin Regiment

Montreal Figure Skating Club

President of the Montreal Figure Skating Club, Intermediate Judge, Learn-To-Skate Instructor